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Diagnosing Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: Using the DSM Structure

Diagnosing Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: Using the DSM Structure


This 15 hour course by Kevin Scheel is designed to explore the core function of assessment as it relates to effective care of substance abusing clients. We will look the stages of an effective assessment from screening through the assessment process, focusing attention on the domains of information that need to be explored/gathered as well as some interviewing tips to assist in the process. Special attention will be given to examining the history of the DSM structure as it relates to diagnostic assessments. A case summary will be provided to show how to use the information gathered during the assessment, and additional case histories will be used to illustrate the decision-making process used by counselors.


By participating in this Distance Learning Course, the trainee will:

  • Explore the role of assessment as one of the five critical elements of effective substance abuse treatment.
  • Identify the purpose of diagnostic assessment.
  • Differentiate between the functions of screening and assessment.
  • Examine the role of the assessor in the assessment process.
  • Learn how to utilize the 4 stages of the assessment process.
  • Develop insight into the information gathering process.
  • Identify the content domains to be assessed.
  • Identify some of the basic interviewing tips to facilitate effective information gathering.
  • Understand the role of treatment plan development and appropriate interventions.
  • Explore the history of the DSM.
  • Identify some of the changes made to the DSM structure with the DSM 5 update.
  • Be able to identify the five axis of diagnosis used by the DSM structure.
  • Review a sample diagnostic summary to understand how to utilize the DSM Axis of Diagnosis.
  • Analyze case studies to better understand how to use assessment skills as well as the DSM diagnostic structure.

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