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Getting Ready To Test (M404SUP): A Supplemental Review/Preparation Manual for the IC&RC Advanced Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Credentialing Examination

Getting Ready To Test (M404SUP): A Supplemental Review/Preparation Manual for the IC&RC Advanced Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Credentialing Examination


A Supplemental Guide for the Advanced ADC Examination - Revised 2017


The materials in this manual are offered as a supplement to our Getting Ready to Test: A Review/Preparation Manual for Drug and Alcohol Credentialing Examinations and is specifically geared towards content and information related to two additional areas of information (Trauma and MAT) that are not covered in the larger Getting Ready to Test manual.  It also provides information on the differences in test questions found on the advanced exam.

It is NOT designed as a stand-alone product, but rather will expand the information needed for those counselors who are planning to take the Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (AADC) Credentialing Examination offered by IC&RC.  This supplement also includes an all new 50-questions sample examination.

When used with the larger Getting Ready to Test manual, we feel confident that it will assist you in your preparation for the 150-question advanced exam offered by IC&RC.

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