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Addiction: A Biopsychosocial Model (3 hours)
From $40.00
Adolescent Development (3 hours)
Advanced Ethics - Special Topics (3 hours)
Advanced Skills in Clinical Supervision (3 hours)
Alcohol the Chemical (3 hours)
Chemical Dependency and the African American: Counseling Strategies and Community Issues (3 hours)
Chemical Dependency and the and Asian/Pacific Islander: Skills and Strategies for Counseling Asian Americans with Substance Abuse Issues (3 hours)
Chemical Dependency and the Asian/Pacific Islander: The Population and the Problem (3 hours)
Chemical Dependency and the Hispanic/Latino - The Population (3 hours)
Clinical Applications of Motivational Strategies (3 hours)
Counseling Alcohol and Drug Dependent Men: Insights and Interventions (3 hours)
Counseling the Chemically Dependent Woman (3 hours)
Counselor Ethics - Ethical Counselors (3 hours)
Cultural Pain and African Americans: Unspoken Issues in Early Recovery (3 hours)
Ethical Issues in the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction: Conduct to Professional Peer Relationships (3 hours)
Ethical Practice for Counseling Professionals (3 hours)
Ethics in Therapy with Sexual Minorities (3 hours)
Improving Cultural Competence: Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Treatment Planning (3 hours)
Improving Cultural Competence: Pursuing Organizational Cultural Competence (3 hours)
Improving Treatment Compliance: Counseling and Systems Strategies for Substance Abuse and Dual Disorders (3 hours)